#12: The Blueprint for Getting High-Value Mentors

Behind every successful businessperson or entrepreneur you’re all but guaranteed to find a laundry list of high-value mentors that supported them on their journey. By now it’s common knowledge that mentors are one of the fundamental building blocks of success, so why aren’t we making the acquisition of mentors a priority? This week we’re going…
#11: Letter From My Future Self

Hi, Future Self Friends! Thanks for following us to our new home here at RobertIngalls.com! We’re still working hard behind the scenes to create the best website experience possible for you, so expect some significant functional and aesthetic updates in the coming weeks. However, none of that is going to stop us from pumping out fresh and valuable episodes…
#10: It’s Podcast Moving Day!

It was a short week and it’s going to be a short episode. We do have a big announcement this week though! Beginning next Friday, September 16, 2016, the Future Self Podcast will be permanently relocating to a new home. Initially my goal for this show was to create a resource for clients to find clear…
#9: 10 Tips Networking Ninjas Know

It’s no secret that having a large social group, or network, is a valuable resource. So, why are so few people actively engaged in building their network? In this post I’m going to answer that question and give you strategies to start expanding your own network today. Can you answer YES to any of these questions?…