#18: How This Entrepreneur Turns Trash Into Cash — East Coasters

Jason Mailot is the founder of East Coasters, a company dedicated to making unique and functional products from discarded rubber that was destined for the landfill. Jason is an old friend and one of the most charismatic people I know, so it was an absolute joy to have him in the studio this week. Jason is the embodiment of…
#17: The Guy Making the EpiPen Affordable Again — Blake Anderson

The Epipen is back in the news, but for all the wrong reasons. This week, only a few short months since the consumer and congressional outrage over a 500% price increase on Mylan’s EpiPen, Pharmaceutical company Kaleo released their answer to the anti-allergy giant in the form of Auvi-Q. Touted as an affordable alternative, the product was originally released in…