#8: Starting Up With Jeff Brokaw

This week I sat down with the most recognizable face (and beard) in the Charlotte startup scene, Mr. Jeff Brokaw. When he isn’t mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs, Jeff is an Associate with the Venture Capital firm SierraMaya360, an early stage startup investment firm, as well as the director of the Charlotte Chapter of Startup Grind, a global…
#7: Are You Sabotaging Your Own Success?

When I speak with a client that has never had an estate plan put in place I will usually ask them if there was any specific reason that caused them to put the decision off. Frequently the answer to that question is something along the lines of “some months I struggle just to pay the…
#6: Sitting Down With the Matriarch

This week’s entry is a short one because I’m pumping this post out between waves. Don’t sleep on it though, this is a killer episode. I interview a woman who took control of her life from day one and made the hard decisions everyday to get from where she was to where she wanted to…
#5: Don’t Fear Failure, Fear Regret – Flashback Friday to my First Recording Ever

I’ve been thinking a lot about failure lately. Or, more specifically, the fear of failure. That tremendous, crippling fear that keeps so many people from ever getting started, from ever taking that first step. Whether it’s creating your first household budget or quitting your job to sail around the world, the first step can be…