#37: Marc Mawhinney: Build a Stronger Business With a Natura
After spending a decade building a thriving real estate firm, Marc Mawhinney watched as the market
#36: Jeff Jackson — Battling Gerrymandering, Harnessing th
This week I had North Carolina State Senator Jeff Jackson in the studio and it was a lights-ou
#35: Jamie Wallace: From Corporate Lawyer to Restauranteur (
I met Jamie at a Meetup in November 2015. He was a corporate lawyer-turned-restauranteur who w
#34: Farmers First Coffee Company: Talking Socially Consciou
Farmers First Coffee is a socially conscious coffee startup that’s putting the focus on the fa
#33: Tariq Bokhari & Larken Egleston: Charlotte's New Podcas
This week I was in the studio with newly-minted City Council members and Charlotte's newest pod
#32: Dimitri Apostle — A Systematic Approach to Scaling Yo
Dimitri Apostle is the owner of the Charlotte Brightway Insurance Agency and one of the most ru