Crush Your Goals by Avoiding These Four Common Mistakes

“New Drum Set – Barley Used.” Barely used. A quick search of Craigslist will uncover hundreds of similar postings; a proverbial graveyard of grand goals that never quite got off the ground. How many times have you seen this scenario play out? Set a goal to do something awesome Buy the awesome gear…all of it…
To Be a Better Person in 2017 You Only Need to Do One Thing

Well, maybe I should say “One more thing,” but that’s not nearly as catchy, is it? You can’t stop going to work and paying your bills and taking your dog for a walk in the freezing cold. To be a better person this year you only need to do one new thing. However, there is…
#18: How This Entrepreneur Turns Trash Into Cash — East Coasters

Jason Mailot is the founder of East Coasters, a company dedicated to making unique and functional products from discarded rubber that was destined for the landfill. Jason is an old friend and one of the most charismatic people I know, so it was an absolute joy to have him in the studio this week. Jason is the embodiment of…
#17: The Guy Making the EpiPen Affordable Again — Blake Anderson

The Epipen is back in the news, but for all the wrong reasons. This week, only a few short months since the consumer and congressional outrage over a 500% price increase on Mylan’s EpiPen, Pharmaceutical company Kaleo released their answer to the anti-allergy giant in the form of Auvi-Q. Touted as an affordable alternative, the product was originally released in…
My Top 5 Episodes from 2016

The Stories You Loved This Year As I look forward to the untold treasures another trip around the sun will bring, I like to reflect on the last 12 months—my successes, my failures, my moments of joy, and times of despair. I like to look at the goals I set for myself last year and assess…
#16: 6 Reasons Evernote is Your New Favorite App

Organizing our thoughts and priorities has likely been around since we began having thoughts and prioritizing them. For the bulk of those years, the primary tools were pen and pad. But, over the last 15 years, the public has become increasingly reliant on digital means to organize their personal and professional lives. (I can’t fathom how I…
#15: John Azar: Private Equity Commercial Real Estate Investor

This week I sat down with John Azar of MACC Venture Partners, a private equity commercial real estate firm in Gastonia, North Carolina. John has a compelling story and it was a privilege to have him in the studio this week. If you’re enjoying the podcast, please take a moment to hit that subscribe button and…
#14: Vic The Chili Man

This week I sat down with one of my favorite chefs and the owner of Charlotte’s #1 rated restaurant on YELP, Vic “The Chili Man” Werany. He’s a man that marches to the beat of his own drum, consistently finds the funny in every situation, and is truly one of my all-around favorite humans. You may…
#13: Annemarie Pantazis: I Did It My Way

This week I sat down with Charlotte’s own Annemarie Pantazis. This interview is particularly special to me, not only because Annemarie has been a great friend and mentor to me, but because she is the perfect example of someone that made the difficult decisions everyday to put their future self first. Long before she was an acclaimed workers’…
#12: The Blueprint for Getting High-Value Mentors

Behind every successful businessperson or entrepreneur you’re all but guaranteed to find a laundry list of high-value mentors that supported them on their journey. By now it’s common knowledge that mentors are one of the fundamental building blocks of success, so why aren’t we making the acquisition of mentors a priority? This week we’re going…